Privacy Policy


  • Goin' My Way (hereinafter "GI") perceives the significance of security of its clients and furthermore of keeping up privacy of the data given by its clients as a capable information regulator and information processor.
  • This Privacy Policy accommodates the practices for taking care of and making sure about client's Personal Information (characterized hereunder) by GI and its auxiliaries and members.
  • This Privacy Policy is material to any individual ('User') who buys, plans to buy, or ask about any product(s) or service(s) made accessible by GI through any of GI's client interface channels including its site, versatile site, portable application and disconnected channels including call focuses and workplaces (aggregately alluded thus as "Deals Channels").
  • For the motivation behind this Privacy Policy, any place the unique circumstance so requires "you" or "your" will mean User and the expression "we", "us", "our" will mean GI. With the end goal of this Privacy Policy, Website implies the website(s), versatile site(s) and portable app(s).
  • By utilizing or getting to the Website or different Sales Channels, the User thusly concurs with the particulars of this Privacy Policy and the substance thus. On the off chance that you can't help contradicting this Privacy Policy kindly don't utilize or get to our Website or different Sales Channels.
  • By utilizing or getting to the Website or different Sales Channels, the User thusly concurs with the particulars of this Privacy Policy and the substance thus. On the off chance that you can't help contradicting this Privacy Policy kindly don't utilize or get to our Website or different Sales Channels.
  • This Privacy Policy doesn't matter to any website(s), versatile destinations and portable applications of outsiders, regardless of whether their sites/items are connected to our Website. Client should observe that data and security practices of GI's colleagues, publicists, supports or different destinations to which GI gives hyperlink(s), might be tangibly not quite the same as this Privacy Policy. Likewise, it is suggested that you audit the security proclamations and strategies of any such outsiders with whom they collaborate.
  • This Privacy Policy is an indispensable aspect of your User Agreement with GI and all promoted terms utilized, yet not in any case characterized in this, will have the separate implications as attributed to them in the User Agreement.
  • This Privacy Policy is an indispensable aspect of your User Agreement with GI and all promoted terms utilized, yet not in any case characterized in this, will have the separate implications as attributed to them in the User Agreement.


  • Please note that the information imparted to GI will be principally prepared in India and such different locales where an outsider drew in by GI may handle the information for its benefit. By consenting to this strategy, you are giving GI your express agree to handle your own data for the purpose(s) characterized in this arrangement. The information security guidelines in India or such different purviews referenced above may vary from those of your nation of home.
  • If you have any worries in the handling of your information and wish to pull back your assent, you may do as such by keeping in touch with the accompanying email id:
  • However, if such handling of information is fundamental for us to have the option to give a service(s) to you, at that point we will most likely be unable to serve or affirm your appointments after your withdrawal of assent. For example, in the event that you make a booking (flight or lodging), at that point certain individual data of yours like contact subtleties, sexual orientation, dietary inclinations, decision of live with smoking office, any ailment which may require explicit consideration or office and so forth may must be shared by us with our sellers, and they may additionally handle this data for making appropriate game plans for you during your outing.
  • A withdrawal of assent by you for us to handle your data may:

1. severely restrain our capacity to serve you appropriately and in such case, we may need to decline the booking inside and out, or

2. unreasonably confine us to support your booking (if a booking is as of now made) which may additionally influence your outing or may force us to drop your booking.



  • The data as nitty gritty beneath is gathered for us to have the option to offer the types of assistance picked by you and furthermore to satisfy our lawful commitments just as our commitments towards outsiders according to our User Agreement.
  • Personal Information" of User will incorporate the data shared by the User and gathered by us for the accompanying purposes:

    1. Registration on the Website: Information which you give while buying in to or enlisting on the Website, including yet not restricted to data about your own personality, for example, name, sex, conjugal status, religion, age and so on., your contact subtleties, for example, your email address, postal locations, long standing customer number, phone (portable or something else) or potentially fax numbers. The data may likewise incorporate data, for example, your financial subtleties (counting credit/charge card) and some other data identifying with your salary as well as way of life; charging data installment history and so forth (as shared by you).

    2. Other data: We may likewise gather some other data and records including however not restricted to:
    • Transactional history (other than banking insights concerning) your internet business exercises, purchasing conduct.
    • Your usernames, passwords, email addresses and other security-related data utilized by you comparable to our Services.
    • Data either made by you or by an outsider and which you wish to store on our workers, for example, picture records, archives and so on.
    • Data accessible in open space or got from any outsider including online media channels, including yet not restricted to individual or non-individual data from your connected web-based media channels (like name, email address, companion list, profile pictures or whatever other data that is allowed to be gotten according to your record settings) as an aspect of your record data.
    • Data accessible in open space or got from any outsider including online media channels, including yet not restricted to individual or non-individual data from your connected web-based media channels (like name, email address, companion list, profile pictures or whatever other data that is allowed to be gotten according to your record settings) as an aspect of your record data.
    • Information relating to some other traveler(s) for whom you make a booking through your enrolled GI account. In such case, you should affirm and speak to that each of the different traveler(s) for whom a booking has been made, has consented to have the data shared by you uncovered to us and further be shared by us with the concerned help provider(s).
    • If you wish to benefit the auto-check in office at lodgings, you will be needed to transfer your character records like PAN Card, Aadhaar card, driving permit, citizen ID or some other admissible archive for us to have the option to furnish you with the auto-check in office.



1. While making a Booking: While making a booking, we may utilize Personal Information including, installment subtleties which incorporate cardholder name, credit/check card number (in encoded structure) with lapse date, banking subtleties, wallet subtleties and so on as shared and permitted to be put away by you. We may likewise utilize the data of voyagers list as accessible in or connected with your record. This data is introduced to the User at the hour of making a booking to empower you to finish your appointments speedily.

2. We may likewise utilize your Personal Information for a few reasons including yet not restricted to:

       * Confirm your reservations with individual specialist co-ops;

       * Keep you educated regarding the exchange status;

       * Send booking affirmations either by means of SMS or Whatsapp or some other informing administration;

       * Send any updates or changes to your booking(s);

       * Allow our client support to reach you, if important; 

       * Customize the substance of our site, versatile site and portable application;;

       * Request for audits of items or administrations or some other upgrades;;

       * Send check message(s) or email(s)

       * Validate/validate your record and to forestall any abuse or misuse. 

       * Contact you on your birthday/commemoration to offer an extraordinary present or offer..

       3.  Surveys ,Marketing Research & Promotions:

* Marketing advancements, examination and projects help us to distinguish your inclinations, create programs and improve client experience. GI every now and again supports advancements to offer its Users the chance to win extraordinary travel and travel related prizes. Individual Information gathered by us for such exercises may incorporate contact data and overview questions. We utilize such Personal Information to tell challenge champs and overview data to create advancements and item upgrades. As an enlisted User, you will likewise at times get refreshes from us about charge deals in your general vicinity, uncommon offers, new administrations, other important things (like investment funds and advantages on airfares, inn reservations, occasion bundles, vehicle rentals and other travel administrations) and advertising programs.

* In expansion, you may anticipate getting intermittent showcasing messages, bulletins and select advancements offering uncommon arrangements.

* From time to time we may include or upgrade administrations accessible the Website. To the degree these administrations are given, and utilized by you, we will utilize the Personal Information you give to encourage the service(s) mentioned. For instance, in the event that you email us with an inquiry, we will utilize your email address, name, nature of the inquiry, and so forth to react to your inquiry. We may likewise store such Personal Information to help us in making the Website the better and simpler to use for our Users.

* GI may now and again dispatch reward programs by method of which clients may remain to win travel related prizes or different prizes. We may utilize your Personal Information to enlist you in the prizes program and status of a similar will be obvious each time you sign in to the Website. Contingent upon the prize program, each time you win a prize, GI may impart your Personal Information to an outsider that will be liable for satisfying the award to you. You may anyway decide to quit such prize projects by keeping in touch with us. For different purposes, for example, extortion location, offering appointments using a loan and so on., we on occasion may check data of clients on specific premise, including their credit data. Furthermore, Goin' My Way may share your Personal Information, anonymized and additionally collected information to an outsider that Goin' My Way may draw in to play out specific assignments for its benefit, including yet not restricted to installment preparing, information facilitating, information handling and evaluating credit value for offering appointments using a loan.



  • GI will hold your Personal Information on its workers however long is sensibly essential for the reasons recorded in this strategy. In certain conditions we may hold your Personal Information for longer timeframes, for example where we are needed to do as such as per any lawful, administrative, duty or bookkeeping necessities.
  • Where your own information is not, at this point required we will guarantee it is either safely erased or put away in a manner which implies it will never again be utilized by the business.


  • GI utilizes treats to customize your experience on the Website and the notices that perhaps showed. GI's utilization of treats is like that of some other trustworthy online organizations.
  • Cookies are little snippets of data that are put away by your program on your gadget's hard drive. Treats permit us to serve you better and all the more effectively. Treats likewise permit simple entry, by logging you in without composing your login name each time (just your secret phrase is required); we may likewise utilize such treats to show any advertisement(s) to you while you are on the Website or to send you offers (or comparable messages – if you have not quit accepting such messages) zeroing in on objections which might be of your advantage.
  • A treat may likewise be set by our promoting workers, or outsider publicizing organizations. Such treats are utilized for motivations behind following the adequacy of promoting served by us on any site, and furthermore to utilize totaled measurements about your visits to the Website so as to give commercials in the Website or some other site about administrations that might be of expected enthusiasm to you. The outsider promoting organizations or ad suppliers may likewise utilize innovation that is utilized to quantify the viability of the commercials. All such data is mysterious. This mysterious data is gathered using a pixel tag, which is an industry standard innovation and is utilized by all significant sites. They may utilize this unknown data about your visits to the Website so as to give notices about merchandise and enterprises of expected enthusiasm to you. No Personal Information is gathered during this cycle. The data so gathered during this cycle, is mysterious, and doesn't interface online activities to a User.
  • Most internet browsers consequently acknowledge treats. Obviously, by changing the choices on your internet browser or utilizing certain product programs, you can control how and whether treats will be acknowledged by your program. GI bolsters your entitlement to obstruct any undesirable web action, particularly that of deceitful sites. Be that as it may, obstructing GI treats may impair certain highlights on the Website, and may impede a generally consistent encounter to buy or utilize certain administrations accessible on the Website. Kindly note that it is conceivable to hinder treat action from specific sites while allowing treats from sites you trust.
2.Automatic Logging of Session Data:
  • Each time you access the Website your meeting information gets logged. Meeting information may comprise of different perspectives like the IP address, working framework and kind of program programming being utilized and the exercises directed by the User while on the Website. We gather meeting information since it encourages us dissect User's decisions, perusing design including the recurrence of visits and length for which a User is signed on. It additionally encourages us determine issues to have our workers and lets us better direct our frameworks. The previously mentioned data can't recognize any User by and by. Be that as it may, it might be conceivable to decide a User's Internet Service Provider (ISP), and the surmised geographic area of User's place of network through the above meeting information.



1.Service Providers and suppliers
2.Companies in the same group
3.Business Partners & Third Party Vendors
• In expansion to the conditions portrayed above, GI may reveal User's Personal Information whenever needed to do as such: 
1. by law, required by any authorization expert for examination, by court request or concerning any lawful cycle; 
2. to lead our business; 
3. for administrative, interior consistence and review exercise(s) 
4. to secure our frameworks; or 
5. to uphold or ensure our privileges or properties of GI or any or the entirety of its subsidiaries, partners, workers, chiefs or officials or when we have motivation to accept that unveiling Personal Information of User(s) is important to distinguish, contact or bring lawful activity against somebody who might be causing impedance with our privileges or properties, regardless of whether purposefully or something else, or when any other individual could be hurt by such exercises. 
Such revelation and capacity may occur without your insight. All things considered, we will not be obligated to you or any outsider for any harms howsoever emerging from such revelation and capacity.
• GI gives an alternative to its clients to post their encounters by method of surveys, appraisals and general survey questions. The clients additionally have a choice of posting questions w.r.t a help offered by GI or post answers to questions raised by different clients. GI may likewise recruit an outsider to reach you and accumulate input about your ongoing booking with GI. Despite the fact that the cooperation in the criticism cycle is simply discretionary, you may at present get messages, notices (application, sms, Whatsapp or some other informing administration) for you to share your review(s), answer addresses posted by different clients . The surveys might be composed or in a video design. The surveys composed or posted may likewise be obvious on other travel or travel related stages. 
• The UGC that GI gathers might be of the accompanying sorts: 
• Review and Ratings 
• Question and Answers 
• Crowd Source Data Collection (survey questions). 
• Each User who posts survey or appraisals, Q&A, photos will have a profile, which different Users will have the option to get to. Different Users might have the option to see the quantity of outings, surveys composed, questions asked and replied and photos posted.
You will periodically get email refreshes from us about charge deals in your general vicinity, unique offers, new GI administrations, and other important things. We trust you will discover these updates fascinating and instructive. In the event that you wish not to get them, if it's not too much trouble click on the "withdraw" connect or adhere to the directions in every email message.
All installments on the Website are made sure about. This implies all Personal Information you give is communicated utilizing TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption. TSL is a demonstrated coding framework that lets your program naturally encode, or scramble, information before you send it to us. Site has severe safety efforts set up to ensure the misfortune, abuse, and change of the data under our influence. At whatever point you change or access your record data, we offer the utilization of a protected worker. When your data is in our ownership we cling to exacting security rules, ensuring it against unapproved access.
You may pull back your agree to present any or all Personal Information or decay to give any authorizations on its Website as secured above whenever. On the off chance that, you decide to do so then your admittance to the Website might be restricted, or we probably won't have the option to offer the types of assistance to you. You may pull back your assent by sending an email to
You may get to your Personal Information from your client account with GI. You may likewise address your own data or erase such data (aside from some obligatory fields) from your client account legitimately. In the event that you don't have such a client account, at that point you write to
You must be atleast of 18 years old to execute legitimately with GI and furthermore to agree to the preparing of your own information.
  • We save the rights to modify the Privacy Policy every now and then to suit different lawful, business and client prerequisite. We will properly advise the clients as might be vital. 
  • You may consistently submit concerns with respect to this Privacy Policy through email to us at  Goin' My Way will try to react to every single sensible concern and asks.
  • Your data will be imparted to the end specialist co-ops like carriers, lodgings, transport specialist co-ops, taxi rental, railroads or whatever other providers who are answerable for satisfying your booking. You may take note of that while causing a booking with GI you to approve us to impart your data to the said specialist co-ops and providers. It is relevant to take note of that GI doesn't approve the end specialist organization to utilize your data for some other purpose(s) aside from as might be for satisfying their piece of administration. In any case, how the said specialist co-ops/providers utilize the data imparted to them is past the domain and control of GI as they measure Personal Information as free information regulators, and thus we can't be made responsible for the equivalent. You are thusly informed to survey the security strategies regarding the particular specialist organization or provider whose administrations you decide to benefit.
  • GI doesn't sell or lease singular client names or other Personal Information of Users to outsiders with the exception of sharing of such data with our business/collusion accomplices or merchants who are locked in by us for giving different referral administrations and to sharing special and different advantages to our clients every once in a while premise their booking history with us.
  • In the interests of improving personalization and administration effectiveness, we may, under controlled and secure conditions, share your Personal Information with our offshoot or partner substances. . This will empower us to furnish you with data about different items and administrations, both recreation and travel-related, which may intrigue you; or assist us with tending to your inquiries and solicitations according to your appointments.
  • If the benefits of GI are gained, our client data may likewise be moved to the acquirer relying on the idea of such obtaining. Likewise, as a component of business extension/advancement/rebuilding or for some other explanation at all, in the event that we choose to sell/move/allocate our business, any part thereof, any of our auxiliaries or any specialty units, at that point as a major aspect of such rebuilding exercise client data including the Personal Information gathered in this will be moved appropriately.
  • We may likewise share certain separated Personal Information to our corporate members or colleagues who may contact the clients to offer certain items or administrations, which may incorporate free or paid items/administrations, which will empower the client to have better travel understanding or to profit certain advantages uncommonly made for GI clients. Instances of such accomplices are substances offering co-marked Mastercards, travel protection, protection spread against loss of wallet, banking cards or comparable touchy data and so forth. In the event that you decide to profit any such administrations offered by our colleagues, the administrations so benefited will be represented by the security strategy of the particular specialist co-op.
  • GI may share your Personal Information to outsider that GI may connect with to play out specific undertakings for its benefit, including however not restricted to installment preparing, information facilitating, and information handling stages.
  • We use non-recognizable Personal Information of Users in total or anonymized structure to manufacture more excellent, more valuable online administrations by performing factual investigation of the aggregate attributes and conduct of our clients and guests, and by estimating socioeconomics and premiums with respect to explicit territories of the Website. We may give mysterious factual data dependent on this information to providers, promoters, associates and other current and potential colleagues. We may likewise utilize such total information to advise these outsiders regarding the quantity of individuals who have seen and tapped on connections to their sites. Any Personal Information which we gather and which we may use in an amassed design is our property. We may utilize it, in our sole prudence and with no remuneration to you, for any genuine reason including without restriction the business deal thereof to outsiders.
  • Occasionally, GI will enlist an outsider for statistical surveying, reviews and so forth and will give data to these outsiders explicitly for use regarding these activities. The data (counting total treat and following data) we give to such outsiders, coalition accomplices, or merchants are ensured by classification arrangements and such data is to be utilized exclusively for finishing the particular venture, and in consistence with the material guidelines.
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